The even which was schedualed for October 11th by Google and Samsung has reportedly been postponed in repect for the passing of Steve Jobs.The shocking news of Steve Jobs passing came on Wenesday with repsect from the entire world for the legacy left behind by Jobs. Google/Samsung have shown the respect and released a statement […]
Apple Reject Samsung settlement offer
The quick attempt from Samsung to settle it’s infringement case with Appe has failed with Apple declining it’s settlement, The settlement would have allowed Samsung to push it’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 onto the Australian market. Steven Burley who is the attoreny for Apple has stated “It is one we don’t accept and there is no surprise, “The main reason we are here is to […]
Apple Vs Samsung, Possible ban in Europe. The real issues!!
The disputes between Apple and Samsung have been going on for sometime now, But now it has taken an even bigger turn. Apparently a district court in Hague(Netherlands) has issue and validated a patent claim from Apple against Samsung. […]
3 Million Samsung Galaxy S2’s sold in just 55 days!
Well Samsung have something to celebrate this week, They have just reported there new phone the Samsung Galaxy S2 is there fastest selling mobile device yet. The smartphone identified by Engadget “The best Android smartphone yet, but more importantly, it might well be the best smartphone” Has shipped 3 million in just 55 days!! That […]
Samsung Galaxy Tab Now selling in the UK
So its seems the new Samsung Galaxy Tab is now going on sale in the U.K. I expect it to soon be available in Ireland as well. Also you can order it from which seem to have a due date of tomorrow, I would take that with a pinch of salt as expansys seems to always have […]