Review: Kingston Wi-Drive

Setup and Usage

Okay, so to connect to the device, it’s pretty straight forward. You download the app for either the Google play store or the App store and then you connect to the device as you would any wireless the device. Once connected you load up application and it will show you all the files directly on the device. 

As you can see from the picture above. The information is displayed is a list form and is pretty straight forward. You can view photos directly and they will be displayed using the apps own photo viewer and you can also stream video content directly from the device using a video play of your choice. This is how it works for Android at least. You may only also copy it directly to your device from the Wi-Drive. You can also delete files directly from the app aswell. There is also an option to send files from the device directly by email. This feature has a 10MB limit, reaching that limit you must first copy the file to your device and then you may send it.

While using the Wi-Drive, There was some an increase in heat from usage over an extended period. The heat is nothing to be alarmed about, but the device does get somewhat hot after using it for awhile.

You can also connect to the device with a laptop or desktop by accessing  webpage as you would your router/modem. This way you can access the device by pretty much anything that has a web browser, what it can do with the files depends on the device accessing it.

Check out the next page for the conclusion.

Craig O'Sullivan

Creator of Passionate about Technology and always looking for that next cool gadget or app

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