Nvidia set to purchase ARM for $40 billion

The rumours spreading around were spot on this time around. Nvidia as tentatively stepped up to buy ARM for a whopping $40 billion. This massive sale of the chip designer company will bring Nvidia into a more giant chip maker than it ever was before.

ARM has always been an open license designer that offered it’s ARM designs to world business. Nvidia have lead the buy by stating this nature will continue fully and will even benefit more so with Nvidia bringing it’s GPU and architecture design to the table for further innovation.

ARM is a massive company around the word of Smartphones, IoT devices and even enterprise server business as well. Now with Nvidia and ARM becoming up, their supercomputing, AI, and graphic chips will step up their innovation and advance on both sides.

The deal is said to take around 18-months and is subject to EU, US, China and UK approvals.

Craig O'Sullivan

Creator of Geektech.ie Passionate about Technology and always looking for that next cool gadget or app

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