Ah, a nice unboxing video and with the Galaxy SIII two weeks away and due on the 30th of May(29th for some, see below), this unboxing video isn’t in English, but you do get the gist of it. It shows everything the new smart phone comes with like, charger, MicroUSB cable, Earphones and of course […]
Ice Cream Sandwich for the Galaxy Note begins it’s rollout
The Galaxy Note is finally getting its share of ICS and it has begun to roll out today. There has been previous leaks of ICS but most unstable and unfinished. Funny enough there has been no word from Samsung on the release, but already many countries in Europe are reporting to be receiving the updates. So anyone […]
Samsung unveils new Ivy-Bridge Laptops with Nvidia GT650M Graphics
Intel’s new Ivy-Bridge processors of course means a series of new laptops to be infested with the power of the 22nm chips. Samsung have announced their new line of laptops bringing with them some impressive specs. The three new laptops are all with the model set Samsung Series 5 550p. Let’s take a look at […]
The Galaxy SIII is official
AS expected the Galaxy S3 has officially been launched. The specifications are pretty much on the button for a lot of the previous rumors. There are features unexpected and availability is set for the 30th of May. Check out the specifications below and some nice gallery shots. The Galaxy S3 packs a nice 4.8″ Super AMOLED screen, […]
Samsung’s Q1 2012 results in, €30.2 billion in sales and €3.9 billion in profit
It’s again time for another quarterly report and this time it’s Samsung dropping their results. Reaching an impressive 45,27 trillion (€30.2 billion) and making 5.85 trillion (€3.9 billion) total in operating profit. Their sale numbers are up 22 percent year on year and their net profit is up 98 percent compared to Q1 2012. Their Mobile […]
Possible Samsung Galaxy S III manual shows up
The above picture showed up on SamMobile.com and it details the upcoming Galaxy S III from Samsung. The specs show some little differences between those details leaked previously. These are the fact it has a 4.8″ sized screen and an 8MP camera. The previous details showed the new device to have a 4.7″ screen […]
Samsung Announces 1.4GHz Exynos 4 Quad, To be used on Galaxy S3
Well with the benchmark earlier today sparking concerns over the next Galaxy(Galaxy S3) device using a Dual-Core instead of Quad-Core can now be settled. It will in fact be useing a nice Quad-Core processor. The new processor just announced moments ago by Samsung is the Exynos 4 Quad and is based on the ARM Cortex A9 […]
Samsung Galaxy SIII Benchmark shows up on AnTuTu
Another day another leak. This time we are seeing some benchmarks with the popular benchmarking app on Android AnTuTu. Now of course we have no way to know if anything here is true and also we have no idea who actually did the benchmark. However let’s take a look at the specs on the […]
Samsung’s new Galaxy device get’s first official teaser video
Yesterday Samsung tipped Destination: tgeltaayehxn. Which was also a webpage with a simple countdown. The countdown reached all zeros earlier today. The release was for you to put together the rather simply anagram. This then brings you to the site thenextgalaxy.com. There we have two teaser videos from Samsung about the new Galaxy device. The event […]
Samsung teases new Galaxy phone with coutdown
The SamsungMobile Twitter account posted earlier today simply the statement Destination: tgeltaayehxnx. This is a simple anagram that translates to “the next galaxy”. The unscrambled message is also a web address and it leaks to webpage displaying the above count down. The message You can take the next step in and the remaining time which […]